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Author: ooot


4 Lies Stopping You From Getting Tested for HIV

With a black shirt that read, “HAVING SEX?” in bold, pink letters, I walked through the streets of Washington DC, telling people the importance of getting tested for HIV and pointing them in the direction of a van where they could get tested for free.

woman typing

OOOT tips for OP-Eds

Do you have an interesting opinion to share? If you can express it clearly and persuasively in an op-ed article, you may reach millions of people, sway hearts, change minds and perhaps even reshape public policy. In the process, you may also earn recognition for


Evany Turk – My Story

Growing up in Chicago in the ’80s and ’90s, I went to school just down the street from Kenwood High School, where award-winning singer, songwriter, and producer R. Kelly notoriously preyed on young black girls. We all knew it was happening. When I was 17, at a


World AIDS Day 2016: Seeing The Glass

Today is December 1, the annual observance of World AIDS Day. Every year, on this day, we are surrounded by messages from organizations and individuals, asking us to remember those we have lost, encouraging us to stay strong as we continue to move through this


This World AIDS Day, Let’s Talk About PrEP

World AIDS Day makes me thankful for the achievements made to subdue the epidemic since it reared its ugly head in the 1980s. I was working for New York City’s Health and Hospital Corporation then. I was responsible for figuring out how many beds we


The Connection Between HIV and Domestic Violence

We think of women’s health issues in boxes (the diabetes box, the depression box, the hypertension box). But, in fact, our health concerns are more like a maze of rooms with doors that lead from one space to another. Take HIV. We think of it


What’s Wrong With Being a Whore?

The question was raised recently during a conference that focused on HIV in the U.S. and how we can increase awareness of the use of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) that prevents HIV infection in HIV-negative people. At the close of the conference, one of the speakers asked